About Us

A Message From The Director
I am Leo, the director of Bloom House, Bloom House Cultivations, and Bloom House Wellness LLC.
 The Brand embraces a Grow concept that will change the way we think about the use and cultivation of Cannabis plants and products.  
Since a very young age, I have been passionate about protecting the environment and cultivating the earth in every way.  I have always been able to recognize and sympathize with the needs of our community.
Recently, with local legislation advances, I have been able to focus my intentions inside of the Bloom House brand to expand into Cultivation and Wellness education. As The company embarks on a new era of understanding Cannabis and cannabis products, I am thankful that you have taken the time to follow the progress of our quest to help to bring Products to the People!
Thank you for trusting our green vision see you soon!
Our vision is to share all of the good ideas about the use and benefits of Cannabis.
We grow plants that have plenty of medicinal and recreational purposes. We want to destigmatize the topic, and normalize the uses all of its properties.

We teach people how to cultivate at home cannabis garden.

We help  people to understand the benefits of cultivating their own cannabis gardens.  
We promote a holistic approach to  managing  different diseases,  disorders, and adverse symptoms with the plant derived benefits over taking pills.  
** NOTE:  Bloom House is not qualified to diagnose, prescribe, or advise,  patients About using nor consuming cannabis related products against the medical advise of a physician.  Seek the direction of a medical qualified physician if you are interested in consuming or partaking any product that contains cannabis. 
Bloom House is a grow house dedicated to producing  top shelf cannabis in an eco-friendly environment! 
Bloom House Cultivations focuses on growing superior products intended for the use of medicinal and recreational cannabis.
Bloom House  Wellness is a  Subsidiary of the Bloom House company , and a primary division responsible  for education for the public, on social platforms and at public events.
Bloom House:  Our goal to maintain unique our greenhouse concept  yields quality cannabis with no gases,  utilizes  natural rainwater catching systems, and  uses fully solar energy powered electricity. 
We pay homage to nature by minimizing our  footprint on the  environment.
Bloom House Cultivations :strives to become most  recognized for our ability  to grow superior strains of Cannabis.
Bloom House Wellness:  strives to teach people how to achieve  the same level of excellence from their  in home grows! 
Our brand, Bloom House /Cultivations/ Wellness has embraced a very clean and formal strategy  for professionally introducing the topic of cannabis into the community. 
We are  traveling the informational highway to alternative pain management. We want to create a professional, educational experience for the the community. 
We Value People First! 
We Value Our efforts  to unify all of the Communities of the World, by spearheading the movement to  Integrate the culture of Cannabis.  